Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Gotukola Sambol / Vallarai Sambol


Gotukola – Bunch
Shredded coconut – 2 tbsp.
Bombay onion – 1 or Shallots – 5
Green chillies – 2
Small tomato - 1
Maldive fish chips – 1/2 tsp.
Salt - 1/2tsp (another 1tsp for washing)
Lime juice - 1/2 tbsp.


1. Clean the bunch of Gotukola by removing root and brownish stem.
2. Immerse the picked Gotukola leaves in water for 5-10 min. Make sure that you have added teaspoon of salt into water. Then wash it with water several times.
 3. Allow to drain the water from leaves.

4. Take the handful of leaves and hold it tightly while allowing leaves to appear from the ring of thumb and index finger. It will make easy to chop finely.

5. Then add finely diced onion, tomato, green chilli as well as Maldive fish chips, salt, lime juice and shredded coconut to the plate of chopped leaves.

6. Mix all the ingredients together.  Adjust salt and lime juice as your taste. Gotukola Sambol is better to prepare just before having meal.

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